Desperate to go back into chastity for my beloved Mistress Pixie, I hurried to the House of Pixie to have the new device fitted (see Week 6). As usual, I had a job tricking my balls (I swear they’re sentient little creatures that know they’re in danger) into a hair-band and so get them into the new device. Once in, I went about lining up the lock hole to then get the lock in, turn the key and hand to Mistress Pixie, who was sitting right by me, Her perfume making my dick stiffen slightly, but not enough to not fit. It was easier said than done with the lock though, and I struggled, having to feel my way rather than be able to see what I was doing. My Christmas belly hardly helped. And then it happened. The key snapped in the lock. At this point, one ball had slipped out, and the device closed onto one ball only. This was not good. Mistress Pixie and I exchanged
looks as I contemplated the next step of going to hospital and heavy-duty equipment cutting through the steel cage and freeing me. This worry and panic consumed me for what seemed like longer than it actually was before I realised that the lock hadn’t actually locked in the device. I carefully pulled it out, and the device unfolded off of my dangling bollock. Relief now consumed me, only to quickly be replaced with panic again as I realised Mistress Pixie now had Her slave out of chastity once more. I assured Her that I would get a new device, and have it delivered quickly from within the UK. I was straight on my phone to do just that, squirming as Mistress quietly fumed and dreamt up terrible punishments for me along with never ending chastity sentences to go with the new device.