Disaster struck again, the morning I was to visit Mistress Pixie to be let out (for cleaning) and to perform my domestic duties. While I was asleep, my balls, octopus like, slipped out of the cage again. I messaged Mistress immediately. Her response was that I was utterly useless, and She had a point. The good news was, I finally figured out where I’d been going wrong. It was all to do with a little plastic tube being in the wrong place and not trapping my balls properly. I was given the key to unlock the padlock once I arrived, and set about refitting it in the correct way, with the fourth largest ring of the six available. I finally got it on, which wasn’t easy as Mistress Pixie and Scarlett were beautifying and perfuming themselves only a few feet away, for a forthcoming session with a client. Oh how I would have loved to kneel at their feet and watch them both while tugging at my excuse for a cock. But I had to get it back in the cage, and so I thought about Maggie Thatcher, Gemma Collins, Lulu, Sharon Osbourne, and anyone else who would help it soften. Eventually it was back on, but God the ring was tight around the cock and balls. I was then ordered into the cage beneath the bondage bed, and given lines to write, with only the sounds of the afore mentioned session to distract me. After an hour, I was let out, and a day of chores followed. My balls were in agony, and I found it difficult to bend to switch the vacuum cleaner on and off. At the end of the day, Mistress Pixie could see all wasn’t well. She allowed me to remove the device, and try the largest of the six rings, and then fit it in the new way. It was a lot more comfortable, and that night I was pleased to finally have it fitted correctly, and also to be owned by an intelligent Mistress who wanted it that way. I woke the following morning with my morning glory bulging in its prison, and I lay in bed, playing with my nipples, eyes closed, fantasising about my Mistress. I imagined myself kneeling at her bare feet, and showering them with heartfelt kisses, sucking on Her painted toes, licking the gaps between them, before dragging my tongue along the soles, till I could almost taste the sweat. I was in such a deep state of total submission, and I felt brilliant.
Later that day, I was on the toilet with my phone charging downstairs, and I missed a very important message from My Mistress. She has me wearing pink, girly panties every single day, and I must be ready for picture message spot-checks at any given time. I am to write a given word on my hand, and send a photo of myself in the panties with the word on my hand visible, and do so within one minute. My heart sunk when I got back to my phone and realised what had happened. I wrote the word (cock-sucker) on my hand, took the photo, and sent it, a good seven minutes later than I should. An unimpressed Mistress Pixie promised a mystery punishment upon my next visit, and dread settled in the pit of my stomach.
Later that evening, I was feeling frisky. I messaged Mistress trying to get a clue as to when I would next be allowed to wank. She replied that it had only been 8 days and that 28 days didn’t seem that long to her. I didn’t know whether She was joking or not. This would mean no orgasm till just after Christmas. A few sleeps later I had a dream that the cage came off again. I awoke in a panic and was so relieved when I felt my balls trapped in the plastic cage. I then realised that in the dream, I was wearing a steel cage. On Friday evening, I was watching Bad Santa 2. Christina Hendricks was in it, wearing a dark cherry lipstick that made my pulse beat faster. In a situation like this, I would normally unzip my flies and stroke myself silly, but locked up as my dick was, there was no chance. I messaged Mistress Pixie and told Her of my frustration. She only found it amusing, and opined via voice message that my release probably shouldn’t come now till 2021, a later date still than the one already threatened. Her happy voice rang through my head as she laughed at how desperate I would be. I went to bed, hoping that She was winding me up, and that I would be released and allowed to cum the following day, when I visited to hoover, mop, and receive my mystery punishment. It would have been 12 days since the last one, on top of 10 days since the one before that. It seemed fair to me. But to Mistress Pixie????